
Surrogate Applicant

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Surrogate Applicant

Achieving a successful pregnancy is influenced by many factors and several reasons may cause infertility in couples. Using a surrogate womb is one of the ways to help these couples to realize their dream of having a child.

A surrogate person in the process of a surrogate womb is a person who has another couple's fetus transferred to her womb and is required to go through the stages of pregnancy within nine months and during this period take the necessary care to preserve the health of the fetus and after the end of the period Pregnancy delivers the embryo to the genetic parents. The transferred embryo is the result of in vitro fertilization of the egg and sperm of the genetic parents, and the surrogate has no genetic connection with the embryo.

Making a decision regarding the use of a surrogate womb is very complex from a medical, legal and psychological point of view and may affect various aspects of the couple's life. Our advice to couples applying for the use of a surrogate womb is to consult with the center's donation and legal department to learn more about the issues. It is related to this decision.

Reasons for using a surrogate

Women who have infertility problems such as severe endometriosis, Asherman's syndrome (uterine ulcer).

Women who have recurrent miscarriages due to cervical insufficiency, multiple ectopic pregnancies, consecutive premature births despite medical treatment, or severe preeclampsia.

Suffering from diseases such as high blood pressure, acute heart, respiratory, or kidney diseases, or the use of certain drugs that cause high-risk pregnancy.

Women who do not have a uterus due to reasons such as hysterectomy [1] (removal of the uterus) or congenital problems.

[1] Hysterectomy

Stages of pregnancy with the help of a surrogate

Selection of a suitable individual as a surrogate by genetic parents

Examination of the family and genetic history of the surrogate candidate by the experts of the center

Refer to the legal and donation unit of the center to learn about the moral, legal and psychological issues of womb replacement

Psychological evaluation of the carrier and genetic parents to determine their competence

Refer to the specialists of the center to receive the necessary instructions for performing tests and imaging

Performing necessary tests, imaging and screenings

Providing physical, genetic and mental health confirmations to center specialists

Coordination of the menstrual cycle of the surrogate and intended parent to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy

Taking hormonal drugs according to the center's experts with a specified dose, duration and method by the surrogate to prepare the uterus

Use of drugs that stimulate egg production by the intended parent

Ultrasound monitoring of the ovaries and uterus to check the readiness of the intended parent's eggs for ovulation and the readiness of the surrogate uterus to receive the embryo.

Ultrasound of the intended parent and ovulation with superficial anesthesia

Obtaining a sperm sample from the patient's wife

Performing in vitro fertilization using the intended parent's egg and sperm

Three to five day growth of embryos in the laboratory

Embryo screening to select the highest quality embryo for transfer to a surrogate

Transfer of two to three embryos to the surrogate's uterus according to the center's expert doctor's opinion

Pregnancy test about two weeks after the transfer of the embryo to the surrogate uterus

If the pregnancy test is positive, take the necessary medicines and visit the doctor according to the schedule